Tuesday, May 28, 2013

May 28, 2013

Happy Belated Memorial Day! What a WEEKEND! My cousins from Vegas and southern Ohio were in town so I spent all day saturday and some of sunday with them :) then monday we were at my Grandparents house for the day :) The only thing that would've made it better is if it was not FREEZING COLD! Ugh I hate ohio sometimes...
Saturday: I stopped at the cemetary to see my uncle and my Great Grandparents. (Just put that in there so you aren't confused later on when I bring it up.) I went to pick up my grandma so we could go to the lake house with the family... Barely out of my car and this is how the conversation goes:
Grandma: What did you do to your hair Regina?
Me: Oh I...
Grandma: I hate it...
Me: Thanks Grandma...
So we decide to take her car... Which I barely fit in.... And we drive out to the lake house... We get there and EVERYONE is there... and we were late.. of course... So we are there and there are a MILLION little kids... half family the other half friends... it was crazy.. they were all between the ages of like 10months and 13 years old... it was ridiculous. We played with bubbles and the adults played cornhole I kicked Butt and everyone wanted to be on my team after I got four cornholes in a row! We went out on the boat, I went twice... but anyways so I went with Ryan the first time and we went around circles, incessantly... And then I went back out with the older kids and my aunt and uncle and cousin Kevin and his wife. We had a great time.. I almost got thrown off the boat just because Kevin was being mean :-P
 The three musketeers and me <3

Kevin and me :)
So I take Grandma home after the boat trip and I stayed with her for a little bit and talked. Then I went back out to the lakehouse at like 8ish and sat around the fire with s'mores and talking with my cousins and they were talking about how Great Grandma and Grandpa Mart never had filters. Because one time my Great Grandma said to Kevin: Boy you are getting fat! and then said to my cousin Ryan: You are too skinny and scrawny and have chicken legs... So I said "Oh that reminds me I went and saw them today!" and Zach (Kevin and Ryans cousin on their moms side) said "They are still ALIVE?!" and we gave him this look like "Seriously?" and just all started laughing really hard.. Milk came out of Kevins nose cause he was laughing so hard.... 
 Okay, So I was trying to do bunny ears to them but my arms weren't long enough to reach above their shoulders to their heads (Story of my life). they are both like 6'2" basically ridiculously tall.
THIS IS WHY WE CAN'T HAVE NICE THINGS REGINA! :-P Thanks Ryan I love you too :-P

So Sunday I took one of my closest and very best friends with me to see my cousin (whos not really my cousin but he might as well be) perform at a carnival in redneck country... there was a car show that was really cool and we watched Zach perform and he was INCREDIBLE and basically my whole family was there. I kept poking him because he was just standing there I was like "you having fun?" and hes like "Yeah!" 
Then we left about a half hour after Zach was off stage because I was hungry so we stopped for dinner and then we headed home. I won't go into detail of what was said between us because theres only a few people who know and I want to keep it that way so, just gonna say this...Things need to progress soon between us.

Monday: it seemed like everyone in my family was in a really crappy mood monday.. We played apples to apples and just everyone was in a really sour mood me included.... 

Anyways so saturday I realized something... I am smack dab in the middle of my family... You have the older people like my aunt and uncle and Grandma, you have your middle aged Including my mom dad cousins and their wives, then you have me... I'm 22 and in the middle of my family because after me we have the teenagers. and then the babies.. And I'm perfectly okay with that. I'm not married, I don't even have a boyfriend, No kids. I can do anything I want! 
Anyways, until next time dearies

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